Edmond’s Custom Abutments are milled with CAD/CAM technology to ensure a precise fit, natural emergence profile, and optimized crown margins for cementable implant restorations. Designed to align with individual gingival anatomy, they simplify restoration delivery and minimize excess cement cleanup. We also offer OEM Abutment options upon request.
10-12 Days
Ideal for strength and durability in all regions.
CBCT scans with the patient biting on a cotton roll are preferred.
10-12 Days
Original Implant Warranty Honored
Milled from solid titanium alloy features a warm gold hue for natural-looking esthetics.
CBCT scans with the patient biting on a cotton roll are preferred.
10-12 Days
Original Implant Warranty Honored
Enhances esthetics in anterior applications.
CBCT scans with the patient biting on a cotton roll are preferred.